Our products come with guarantees that are protected under Kenyan Consumer Law. You have the right to a replacement or refund in the event of a major defect, as well as compensation for any foreseeable loss or damage. Additionally, if the products do not meet acceptable quality standards, you are entitled to a refund or replacement.

Our return policy allows for returns within 3 days of purchase. Unfortunately, if more than 3 days have passed since your purchase, we cannot process a refund.

In cases where your purchase arrives damaged, incorrect, or does not comply with consumer guarantees, we are happy to offer a refund or exchange upon receipt of your proof of purchase. We will also cover the cost of returning the item to us.

To qualify for a refund or exchange, items must be returned in their original, undamaged packaging, along with any accessories, labels, and any included bonuses or gifts. If the product is returned in its unopened, original condition, we will provide a refund or exchange based on your original payment method, minus 3.5% bank transaction fees for card payments, or the applicable M-Pesa transaction and delivery charges.

Please note that we do not accept returns or exchanges for a change of mind.

Refunds (if applicable)
After receiving and inspecting the returned item, we will notify you via email or phone whether your refund request has been approved or denied.

If approved, your refund will be processed within 2 working days through mobile money or bank transfer, depending on your original payment method. If you paid for standard delivery, this cost will also be refunded.