This wine issued from 2 aromatic grape varietals has a nice shining clear pale gold color. Winemaking at low temperatures enhances the aromas such as white flowers given by Chardonnay, but also peach and ripe apricots given by Viognier. In the mouth, the wine is very aromatic and round with subtle freshness. You will find citrus lemon and tangerine undertones.
This wine is currently in stock and you can order it now. Enjoy free wine delivery and CELLIER DES PRINCES VIOGNIER – CHARDONNAY IGP WHITE best prices in Kenya.
Millesimes Wines is by large the best online liquor store in Kenya. For orders within Nairobi. Our Delivery time is 10 – 30 mins and less than 24 hours to other parts of the country.
Millesimes Wines offers flexible payment methods :
- Mpesa (send money – Buy Goods (8812358 – Bonce Company Ltd)
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To order genuine drinks online in Kenya call, sms, WhatsApp 0759605605. Millesimes Wines being a wine enthusiast and a drinks expert offers updates, information and fun facts via our blog. Follow us on facebook and on instagram for updates and to check for alcohol offers.